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The Supreme Court has ordered that Bank of Uganda pays costs of a 5 year legal battle to businessman Sudhir Ruparelia - the former owner of Crane Bank Ltd. Five justices of the Court led by Apio Aweri have unanimously ruled that since Bank of Uganda chose to withdraw its appeal, it meant that the [...]
Kampala Capital City Authority - KCCA has been sued for cancelling the process of procuring an entity to develop and operate street parking services in the city. KCCA is being sued by Urban Living Limited which is seeking (1.1 Billion Shillings) in compensation as a result of the cancellation of the procurement process. Urban Living [...]
The Ministry of Agriculture has launched the construction of a 2.8 billion shillings Zonal Animal disease control centre in Nwoya District. The multibillion facility will be constructed in Got Apwoyo Government Farm under the Agricultural Value Chain Development Project funded by the African Development Bank-ADB. Speaking to stakeholders and community members of Got Apwoyo at [...]
The government is targeting to vaccinate 2.6 million people in the Central region during a mass Covid-19 vaccination exercise. The districts are Butambala, Gomba, Kayunga, Mpigi, Buikwe, Mukono and Wakiso. The Director-General of Health Services, Dr. Henry Mwebesa says that the vaccination exercise targets everybody aged 18 years and above. He says children aged 12 [...]
The curfew restrictions imposed on the boda boda sector will come to an end today at 6:00pm. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni made the pronouncement while presiding over the Uganda People’s Defense Forces Tarehe Sita celebrations yesterday at Malukhu grounds in Mbale City. In his address on December 31, 2021 President Museveni reopened the economy from [...]
The Minister of Local government Raphael Magyezi is calling for a ban on both public and civil servants from possessing market stalls in public markets. MAGYEZI tabled the proposal before parliament's committee on public service and local government while presenting the ministry's views on the markets bill 2022. Magyezi says the law banning politicians, civil [...]
Government failed to spend 3.1 trillion shillings in the last financial year. This was revealed by the auditor general John Muwanga while handing over the audit report for the last financial year to the deputy speaker of parliament Anita Among. The acting assistant auditor general in charge of audit Edward Akol says failure to spend [...]
Deputy Speaker Anita Among has sent a warning to all committee chairpersons who have failed to produce reports on bills under their scrutiny. She says all the bills that have delayed at the committee stage will be passed and approved without the recommendations of the respective committees. Committees are supposed to scrutinize a bill and [...]
The Public Accounts Committee – PAC has recommended the Auditor General conducts a forensic audit in the Shillings 53.5 billion distributed to vulnerable Ugandans as COVID-19 relief. This follows a joint report by the Central and Local Governments Committee on Public Accounts indicating mismanagement of the COVID-19 relief cash. The Committee was tasked to verify [...]
Government has unveiled a plan to impound imported counterfeit mobile phones currently sold in shops around the country. The State minister for ICT and National Guidance Godfrey Kabbyanga Baluku made the disclosure while appearing before the  parliamentary committee on ICT chaired by Budiope East member of parliament Moses Magogo. The committee is handling a petition [...]


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