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Four time presidential candidate Dr Kizza Besigye, has called for an end to the dusk to dawn curfew as the year comes to a close. Besigye who is also the national chairperson of the People’s Front for Transition-PFT, a loose opposition grouping, said there is no evidence that a curfew can in any way limit [...]
The government has tabled before parliament the national budget framework paper for the coming financial year 2022/2023. The proposed resource envelope totals 43 trillion Shillings - The document was tabled by the Minister of State for Finance- General Duties, Henry Musasizi. Speaker Jacob Oulanyah referred the framework paper to different sectoral committees of parliament for [...]
The State Minister for Higher Education, Chrysostom Muyingo says Government has resolved to reinstate PTA fees in government schools. PTA fees, otherwise known as Parent Teacher Association- fees  are used by Universal Primary and secondary schools to provide meals to learners. The money is also used to pay teachers who are not on the government [...]
The Kabaka has given a car to each of his Saza chiefs. There are 18 masaza (counties) in the kingdom of Buganda and so 18 cars have been procured for the 18 county chiefs as a means of easing their movement through the areas of their jurisdiction. The cars, Toyota - Harrier were handed over [...]
The Minister of Local Government Raphael Magyezi says his ministry has received resolutions from 32 town councils that are seeking elevation to Municipality status. The town councils that have submitted resolutions for elevation include Luwero, Bombo, Kapeeka-Semuto, Kyotera, Lukaya and Lyantonde. Leaders from the areas are optimistic that the elevation will help to improve service [...]
Government is planning to assist private schools through waivers on the outstanding bills on utilities and internet Data. During the release of the school calendar ,the education ministry revealed that private schools will be supported though not financially. Since the first COVID-19 lockdown of 2020 , the private schools proposed to the government to provide [...]
Kampala Capital City Authority-KCCA is still unclear on when it will pay salaries to casual workers who have gone without pay since mid-September. Over 2500 casual workers comprised of street cleaners, drainage desilters and garbage loaders have not been paid despite continuous demands and petitions to the Authority. Speaking at the award ceremony of the [...]
The Ministry of Education and Sports has authorized government schools to divert operational funds to renovation of structures ahead of the school re-opening. 62 Billion Shillings has been earmarked for the renovations. This is part of what was allocated as capitation grants for schools in the current financial year. The grant normally is used by [...]
Residents in over 110 districts go to the polls today in residual and by-electiosn to fill vacant local government positions. Among those positions to be filled in the elections today is the hotly contested Kayunga LCV chairperson seat. The position fell vacant following the death of Muhammad Ffeffekka Sserubogo. His body was found hanging on [...]
Oil companies and the business community are calling on the President to assent to laws that will govern the oil and gas industry. Following the passing of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Bill by parliament last week, there was excitement and hope for the pipeline project construction to commence. However, the Bill is [...]


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